
June 21, 2012
After months of meetings, drawings, and waiting, our new lab has been complete and the Schmuttenmaer Group has officially moved from KCL 15 to SCL 15!!! While it will take a...
June 15, 2012
Congratulations to Dan Aschaffenburg and Mike Williams for their recently publication in Applied Physics Letters entitled “Efficient measurement of broadband terahertz...
May 7, 2012
Becky and Charlie are jetting off to Italy for the Renewable Energy: Solar Fuels Gordon Research Conference. They will be presenting our groups work on using Time-Resolved...
May 3, 2012
The Schmuttenmaer group would like to congratulate Becca Allred on passing her 2nd oral exam! Now as a candidate for her Ph.D., she can delve into the mysteries of titanium...
February 2, 2012
Congrulations to Becky who, in collaboration with the solar group, recently published an article in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C entitled “Bioinspired High-Potential...
January 23, 2012
The Schmuttenmaer group has recently revived a collaboration with Cliff Kubiak from UCSD. After months of discussions and preparations, Jane Henderson, a graduate student...
October 24, 2011
Our very own Rebecca Allred is front and center in an atricle entitled “Women Making Slow, Sure Strides In Science, Math” written by Martha Irvine. Check it out here:  http...
August 26, 2011
For those who were not at the Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) symposium today, Mike Williams recieved a teaching award for his oustanding work as a TA for Chem 332 lecture in the...
August 17, 2011
We have been working tirelessly on re-vamping our group website, and in honor of its completion, we will be taking a break from terahertz and having a party in celebration!